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Android & iOS
Last updated: 2025-01-23 11:43:53
Android & iOS
Last updated: 2025-01-23 11:43:53

Plugin Feature

Starting from version 7.3, the conversation mark plugin TUIConversationMarkPlugin can be integrated. The conversation mark plugin is a UI closed-source library that depends on TUIConversation. After the plugin is integrated, you can mark and unmark conversations in TUIConversation.

Android Integration

TUIConversationMarkPlugin is a closed-source plugin that needs to be integrated via gradle. Find the build.gradle of the app and add the mark plugin dependency in the dependencies.
Classic version
dependencies {
# Integrate the conversation feature.
api project(':tuiconversation')
# Integrate the conversation mark plugin, which is supported starting from version 7.3.
api "com.tencent.imsdk:tuiconversationmark-plugin:7.3.4358"

iOS Integration

TUIConversationMarkPlugin, like ordinary TUIKit components, can be quickly integrated via CocoaPods. Detailed integration steps can be found in Integrating Basic Features.
For the conversation mark plugin, you only need to add one line to Podfile to complete the integration:
Classic version
# Uncomment the next line to define a global platform for your project
# ...

# Integrate the conversation feature.
pod 'TUIConversation/UI_Classic'
# Integrate the conversation mark plugin, which is supported starting from version 7.3.
pod 'TUIConversationMarkPlugin'
TUIConversationMarkPlugin depends on TUIConversation. Integrating TUIConversationMarkPlugin alone will cause feature anomalies and the conversation mark interface cannot be displayed normally.
TUIConversationMarkPlugin is supported starting from version 7.3. To use the conversation mark plugin, upgrade TUIConversation to version 7.3 or later.

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