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即时通信 IM
Last updated: 2025-02-12 10:19:30
Last updated: 2025-02-12 10:19:30

8.4.6667 @2025.01.16

Optimize the logic for unregister push.
Support honor offline message categorization.
Add offline storage feature for Push messages.
Optimize the offline handling logic for roaming messages.

8.3.6498+2 @2024.12.27

Optimize FCM VOIP logic.
Optimize the push notification registration logic to not strongly depend on stack verification.

8.3.6498+1 @2024.11.27

Supports OPPO push message classification new regulations.
Added notification bar click event listening method onNotificationClicked.
Supports custom ringtones for frontend online channel.
Resolved database concurrency issue.
Resolved login concurrency issue.
Resolve the issue of direct jump interface upon receiving foreground push.
Resolve the issue of multiple call failures on Xiaomi, upgrade Xiaomi push package.
Optimize registerPush logic to support calling with appKey parameter after login.
Optimize Huawei model recognition.
Mixed mode disables foreground push by default.
Deprecated some APIs, it is recommended to stop using them and switch to other APIs.
Deprecated the iOS push certificate ID setting field offlinePushCertificateID, please use businessID.

8.2.6325 @2024.09.29

Added support for non-landing push message feature.
FCM supports custom redirect on notification bar click.
Optimized log print feature before registration for push notifications.
Fixed the issue where iOS Donut platform does not callback on cold startup notification bar click.

8.1.6907 @2024.09.06

Resolved Push user login type error issue.
Resolved APNs push issue due to agency failure.
Optimized APNs offline transmission message Ext empty callback click event issue.
Resolved APNs foreground status resolution notification exception callback issue.
Optimized FCM data empty message pop-up window issue.
Optimize the full platform type setting logic.
Add a global callback interface for Push.

8.1.6107 @2024.08.06

Add login-free push notification feature.
The intelligent detection available channels policy is disabled by default, add a configuration switch.
Resolve the automated detection task rotation issue.
Optimize confusion settings.
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