tencent cloud



Last updated: 2024-07-16 11:48:47

    Do Chat Standard edition and Premium edition have a MAU limit?

    Standard edition and Premium edition do not have an upper limit on MAU. The first 10,000 MAU per month is free. The MAU fee is pay-as-you-go on a monthly basis. Fees incurred within a month will be deducted on the third day of the next month.

    What should I do if I received an error when creating 100 accounts in Chat?

    You can create up to 100 accounts in the Developer edition. To use the accounts in a production environment, you need to configure a standard billing plan for each SDKAppID. In addition, you can call the v4/im_open_login_svc/account_delete API to delete unwanted accounts in the Developer edition. User data cannot be recovered once the account is deleted, so proceed with caution.

    Does Chat support global access?

    Chat provides reliable, secure network connections with global coverage. With its proprietary multi-level optimal addressing algorithm, IM can perform scheduling across the entire network. When terminals log in, the IM SDK connects to the nearest access nodes. IM access nodes include the following:
    China: South China, North China, East China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan
    Other regions:
    Asia: Singapore, Indonesia, UAE, Thailand, Japan, Vietnam, South Korea, and Philippines
    Europe: United Kingdom, Netherlands, Germany, Italy, Norway, France, Russia, and Spain
    South America: Brazil
    North America: United States, Canada, and Mexico
    Oceania: Australia
    Africa: South Africa and Nigeria

    Chat allows the creation of up to 50 audio-video groups. How many audio-video groups can be created after I created 3 and then deleted 3?

    If you created 3 audio-video groups and then deleted all of them, you can still create 50. The number of audio-video groups you can create is a net value. Deleted groups do not count against the quota. If you have an audio-video group that has no members but has not been deleted, it is still included in the quota.

    Is the Call trial version free to use? Will there be any additional charges during use?

    The trial version of the Call only provides you with free usage rights for the Call function. For specific available features, please refer to the Call. The call duration usage generated during your use of this function will be billed according to the Pay-As-You-Go, while chat costs will be billed based on the Billing Overview of Chat. In addition, Tencent Cloud accounts (UIN) that activate the Audio and Video Call feature will receive a free 10,000-minute duration package every month, which can be used to deduct the call duration usage generated during use.

    Is it impossible to activate and use Call when Chat or TRTC applications are disabled?

    No, the Call capabilities are built upon the support from Chat and TRTC. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure the availability of both your Chat and TRTC applications. If either your Chat or TRTC application is disabled, you need to enable the application first before activating/using the Call.

    After successfully testing the Call using the free trial version of the SDK, is it necessary to update the SDK when switching to and purchasing the official package for launch?

    No, you do not need to update the SDK. All you need to do is purchase the specified official package, and there is no need to change any SDK-related configurations.
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