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Last updated: 2024-10-18 17:30:54
Last updated: 2024-10-18 17:30:54

Supported Languages

Currently supports Simplified Chinese, English, Japanese, and Arabic.

Switch Language

TUICallKit defaults to the same language as the phone system . If you need to switch languages, you can use TUIGlobalization.setPreferredLanguage to switch languages, taking switching to English as an example:
import TUICore

func steLanguage() {

Add New Language

Step 1: Source Code Integration

1. Clone/download the code from GitHub.
2. Download the TUICallKit source code dependency to local in the Podfile file of the Application project.
target 'TUICallKitApp' do
pod 'TUICallKit-Swift/Professional', :path => "Your Download Path/TUICallKit/iOS"

3. Run the pod update command to update dependencies.

Step 2: Add a new language pack

Using Spanish as an example:

1. Add a new Spanish language file.
Navigate to the TUICallKit source file directory, under iOS/TUICallKit-Swift/Resources, and create a new es.lproj/Localized.strings file.
2. Copy the content in iOS/TUICallKit-Swift/Resources/en.lproj/Localized.strings into the newly added iOS/TUICallKit-Swift/Resources/es.lproj/Localized.strings file.
3. Translate the English content in iOS/TUICallKit-Swift/Resources/es.lproj/Localized.strings to Spanish.
4. Navigate to the directory containing the Application project’s Podfile and execute the pod install command to update dependencies.
import com.tencent.qcloud.tuicore.TUIThemeManager;

public class MainActivity extends BaseActivity {
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

Locale locale = new Locale("es"); TUIThemeManager.addLanguage("es", locale);

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