tencent cloud


Last updated: 2024-07-08 16:09:05


    The text message translation feature allows you to manually long press a text message bubble in the message list after you enter the chat interface, and then click the Translate button in the pop-up menu to translate the text.
    The text message translation feature is provided by a plugin. To use it, tencent_cloud_chat_text_translate needs to be integrated. It is supported by version 1.4.1 and later.
    Text translation is a value-added paid feature, which is in the beta phase currently. You can contact us through the Telegram Technical Group to enable and experience the full feature.

    Effect Display

    The effect of integrating the translation plugin is shown below:
    Without the translation plugin integrated, the Translate button is not displayed.
    With the translation plugin integrated, the Translate button is displayed.
    Text message translation effect
    Without the translation plugin integrated, the Translate button is not displayed.
    With the translation plugin integrated, the Translate button is displayed.
    Text message translation effect

    Feature Overview

    Integrating Plugins

    Starting from version 1.4.1, the translation feature is provided by the plugin tencent_cloud_chat_text_translate .
    If you do not need the translation feature, simply do not integrate the plugin. The Translate button will not be displayed when you long press a text message.
    If you need the translation feature, you must integrate tencent_cloud_chat_message and tencent_cloud_chat_text_translate. The Translate button will be displayed automatically when you long press a text message.
    After tencent_cloud_chat_text_translate is integrated, you can also set the target language for translation. The default target language is the current language used by UIKit.
    tencent_cloud_chat_text_translate is dependent on tencent_cloud_chat_message and cannot be integrated individually.
    Only text messages and text type of quotes or replies are supported. Image, voice, video, file, emoji, and custom messages are not supported for translation.
    Not all source languages can be translated into the set target language. For example, English can be translated into Hindi, but Chinese cannot be translated into Hindi. For translation languages supported currently, refer to Supported Text Translation Languages. If translation fails, consult this document to change the source or target language.


    First, install the tencent_cloud_chat_text_translate plugin:
    flutter pub add tencent_cloud_chat_text_translate
    To enable the plugin, add the following code to the plugins list in initUIKit:
    TencentCloudChatPluginItem( name: "textTranslate", pluginInstance: TencentCloudChatTextTranslate(), ),

    Contact Us

    If you have any questions about this feature, feel free to join the Telegram Technical Group, and obtain reliable technical support from it.
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