Field | Description |
https | Request protocol is HTTPS Request method is POST | | Callback URL |
SdkAppid | SDKAppID allocated by the Instant Messaging console at the time of Application creation |
CallbackCommand | Fixed as: Push.AllMemberPush |
contenttype | The request payload is fixed as JSON |
{"Events": [ // The length of the events array ranges from 1 to 100{"CallbackCommand":"Push.AllMemberPush","EventType": 1, // Event type, EventType=1 indicates offline push"TaskId": "657bf434_537529d8_2000005e80aa873_2780d131_bc614e", // TaskId for all-member/Tag/single push"TaskTime": 1557481127, // Timestamp when the all-member push task was initiated, in seconds"EventTime": 1557481128, // Timestamp when the event occurred, in seconds"To_Account": "user2", // Recipient"PushPlatform": 1, // Vendor"PushStage": 1, // Push stage"ErrCode": 0, // Push event result"ErrInfo": "OK" // Push event result description, may be empty},{"CallbackCommand":"Push.AllMemberPush","EventType": 2, // Event type, EventType=2 indicates online push"TaskId": "657bf434_537529d8_2000005e80aa873_2780d131_9", // TaskId for all-member/Tag/single push"TaskTime": 1557481127, // Timestamp when the all-member push task was initiated, in seconds"EventTime": 1557481129, // Timestamp when the event occurred, in seconds"To_Account": "user3", // Recipient"PushPlatform": 0, // Vendor"PushStage": 1, // Push stage"ErrCode": 0, // Push event result"ErrInfo": "OK" // Push event result description, may be empty},....]}
Field | Type | Description |
Events | Array [ Event Object ] | Batch callback content, containing data for up to 100 callback events (Event Object) |
Field | Type | Description |
CallbackCommand | String | Callback command |
EventType | Integer | Event Type: EventType = 1 indicates offline push EventType = 2 indicates online push |
TaskId | String | Task ID returned when the all-member push is sent |
TaskTime | Integer | Timestamp when the all-member push task was initiated, in seconds |
EventTime | Integer | Timestamp when the event occurred, in seconds |
To_Account | String | Recipient's UserID |
PushPlatform | Integer | Push vendor (for online push EventType = 2, vendor is not distinguished, default is 0): PushPlatform = 0 indicates unknown vendor PushPlatform = 1 indicates Apple APNS push PushPlatform = 2 indicates Xiaomi push PushPlatform = 3 indicates Huawei push PushPlatform = 4 indicates Google FCM push PushPlatform = 5 indicates Meizu push PushPlatform = 6 indicates OPPO push PushPlatform = 7 indicates vivo push PushPlatform = 8 indicates Honor push |
PushStage | Integer | Push stage: PushStage = 1 indicates push sent PushStage = 2 indicates push reached PushStage = 3 indicates push clicked |
ErrCode | Integer | Push event result: ErrCode = 0 indicates success ErrCode non-zero indicates failure |
ErrInfo | String | Push event result description, may be empty |
{"ActionStatus": "OK","ErrorInfo": "","ErrorCode": 0 // 0 means callback success, 1 means callback error}
Field | Type | Description |
ActionStatus | String | Processed Request Result: OK Signifies Successful Handling FAILURE signifies unsuccessful execution |
ErrorCode | Integer | Error Code |
ErrorInfo | String | Error Description |