tencent cloud


Last updated: 2024-02-06 17:39:04

    Feature Description

    In some cases, you may need to group conversations, for example, into a "Product experience" or "R&D" group, which can be implemented through the following API.
    To use this feature, you need to purchase the Ultimate edition.
    This feature is available only in SDK enhanced edition v4.0.8 or later.

    Conversation Group

    Creating a conversation group

    Call the createConversationGroup (dart) API to create a conversation group.
    Up to 20 conversation groups can be created. After this limit is exceeded, the 51010 error will be reported. Groups that are no longer used should be promptly deleted.
    Conversation group name
    It must be greater than 0 in length and can contain up to 32 bytes; otherwise, the 51011 error will be reported.
    List of conversation IDs
    It cannot be empty.
    Sample code:
    // Create a conversation group
    createConversationGroupRes = await TencentImSDKPlugin.v2TIMManager
    groupName: "groupName",// Name of the created conversation group
    conversationIDList: []);// List of conversation IDs to be added to the conversation group created
    if (createConversationGroupRes.code == 0) {
    // Creation configured successfully
    createConversationGroupRes.data?.forEach((element) {
    element.conversationID; // ID of the conversation to be added
    element.resultCode; // Operation result error code of the conversation
    element.resultInfo; // Operation result description of the conversation

    Deleting a conversation group

    Call the deleteConversationGroup (dart) API to delete a conversation group.
    If the target conversation group doesn't exist, the 51009 error will be reported.
    Sample code:
    // Delete the conversation group
    V2TimCallback deleteConversationGroupRes = await TencentImSDKPlugin
    .deleteConversationGroup(groupName: "groupName");// Name of the conversation group to be deleted
    if (deleteConversationGroupRes.code == 0) {
    // Deleted successfully

    Renaming a conversation group

    Call the renameConversationGroup (dart) API to rename a conversation group.
    Sample code:
    // Rename a conversation group
    V2TimCallback renameConversationGroupRes = await TencentImSDKPlugin
    oldName: "oldName",// Name of the conversation group to rename
    newName: "newName");// New name of the conversation group
    if (renameConversationGroupRes.code == 0) {
    // Renamed successfully

    Getting the list of conversation groups

    Call the getConversationGroupList (dart) API to get the list of conversation groups.
    Sample code:
    // Get the list of conversation groups
    V2TimValueCallback<List<String>> getConversationGroupListDataRes =
    await TencentImSDKPlugin.v2TIMManager
    if (getConversationGroupListDataRes.code == 0) {
    // Queried successfully
    getConversationGroupListDataRes.data?.forEach((element) {
    element;// Name of the conversation group
    Call the getConversationListByFilter (dart) API to get the list of conversations in the group.
    Sample code:
    // Get the conversation list
    V2TimConversationListFilter filter = V2TimConversationListFilter(
    conversationType: 0, // Conversation type
    nextSeq: 0,// Pull cursor
    count: 10,// Pull count
    markType: 0,// Conversation mark type
    groupName: "groupName");// Name of the pulled group
    // Advanced API for getting the conversation list
    V2TimValueCallback<V2TimConversationResult> getConversationListByFilterRes =
    await TencentImSDKPlugin.v2TIMManager
    .getConversationListByFilter(filter: filter);// Conversation list filter
    if (getConversationListByFilterRes.code == 0) {
    // Pulled successfully
    bool? isFinished =getConversationListByFilterRes.data?.isFinished; //Whether the list is fully pulled
    String? nextSeq =getConversationListByFilterRes.data?.nextSeq; // Cursor for the subsequent paged pull
    List<V2TimConversation?>? conversationList =getConversationListByFilterRes.data?.conversationList; // List of conversations pulled this time
    // If more conversations need to be pulled, use the returned `nextSeq` to continue pulling until `isFinished` is `true`.
    if (!isFinished!) {
    V2TimConversationListFilter nextFilter = V2TimConversationListFilter(
    conversationType: 0,
    nextSeq: int.parse(nextSeq!),// Use the returned `nextSeq` to continue pulling until `isFinished` is `true`.
    count: 10,
    markType: 0,
    groupName: "groupName");
    V2TimValueCallback<V2TimConversationResult> nextConversationListRes =
    await TencentImSDKPlugin.v2TIMManager
    filter: nextFilter);
    getConversationListByFilterRes.data?.conversationList?.forEach((element) {
    ?.conversationID; // Unique conversation ID. It is in the format of `c2c_userID` for a one-to-one chat or `group_groupID` for a group chat.
    element?.draftText; // Draft message
    element?.draftTimestamp; // Draft editing time. It is automatically generated when a draft is set.
    element?.faceUrl; // Displayed conversation profile photo. It is the group profile photo for a group chat or the profile photo of the message receiver for a one-to-one chat.
    element?.groupAtInfoList; // List of @ information in the group conversation. Generally, it is used to display the notifications of "someone@me" and "@all".
    element?.groupID; // ID of the current group. If the conversation type is group chat, `groupID` is the ID of the current group. Otherwise, it is `null`.
    element?.groupType; // Type of the current group. If the conversation type is group chat, `groupType` is the type of the current group. Otherwise, it is `null`.
    element?.isPinned; // Whether the conversation is pinned to the top
    element?.lastMessage; // Last message in the conversation
    element?.orderkey; // Field for sorting conversations
    element?.recvOpt; // Message receiving option
    ?.showName; // Displayed conversation name. The name of a group chat is displayed in the following order of priority: group name > group ID. The name of a one-to-one chat is displayed in the following order of priority: friend remarks of the message receiver > nickname of the message receiver > `userID` of the message receiver.
    element?.type; // Conversation type, which can be `C2C` (one-to-one chat) or `Group` (group chat).
    element?.unreadCount; // Unread message count of the conversation. It is invalid and defaults to `0` for an audio-video group (AVChatRoom).
    element?.userID; // User ID of the message receiver. If the conversation type is one-to-one chat, `userID` is the user ID of the message receiver. Otherwise, it is `null`.

    Adding a conversation to a group

    After creating a group, you can call the addConversationsToGroup (dart) API to add a conversation to the group.
    Sample code:
    // Add a conversation to a conversation group
    addConversationsToGroupRes = await TencentImSDKPlugin.v2TIMManager
    groupName: "groupName",// Name of the conversation group to which the conversation is to be added
    conversationIDList: []);// List of conversation IDs added
    if (addConversationsToGroupRes.code == 0) {
    // Added successfully
    addConversationsToGroupRes.data?.forEach((element) {
    element.conversationID; // ID of the conversation added
    element.resultCode; // Operation result error code of the conversation
    element.resultInfo; // Operation result description of the conversation

    Deleting a conversation from a group

    Call the deleteConversationsFromGroup (dart) API to delete a conversation from a conversation group.
    Sample code:
    // Delete a conversation from a conversation group
    deleteConversationsFromGroupRes = await TencentImSDKPlugin.v2TIMManager
    groupName: "groupName",
    conversationIDList: []);
    if (deleteConversationsFromGroupRes.code == 0) {
    // Deleted successfully
    deleteConversationsFromGroupRes.data?.forEach((element) {
    element.conversationID; // ID of the conversation to be deleted
    element.resultCode; // Operation result error code of the conversation
    element.resultInfo; // Operation result description of the conversation

    Listening for the notification of a conversation group change

    Call the addConversationListener (dart) API to listen for the notification of a conversation group change.
    Sample code:
    // Set a group event listener
    V2TimConversationListener listener = V2TimConversationListener(
    (String groupName, List<V2TimConversation> conversationList) => {
    // A conversation group is created
    // `groupName`: Name of the conversation group created
    // `conversationList`: List of initialized conversations in the created conversation group
    onConversationGroupDeleted: (String groupName) => {
    // A conversation group is deleted
    // `groupName`: Name of the conversation group deleted
    onConversationGroupNameChanged: (String oldName, String newName) => {
    // The name of a conversation group is changed
    // `oldName`: Old name of the conversation group
    // `newName`: New name of the conversation group
    (String groupName, List<V2TimConversation> conversationList) => {
    // A conversation is added to a conversation group
    // `groupName`: Name of the conversation group to which the conversation is added
    // `conversationList`: List of the conversations added
    (String groupName, List<V2TimConversation> conversationList) => {
    // A conversation is deleted from a conversation group
    // `groupName`: Name of the conversation group from which the conversation is deleted
    // `conversationList`: List of the conversations deleted
    // Add a group event listener
    .addConversationListener(listener: listener);
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