to query a local message by messageID
to search for cloud messages(recommended).getMessageList
Name | Type | Description |
messageID | String | Message ID |
let message = chat.findMessage('144115217363870632-1647417469-77069006');if (message) {// Read the attributes of `message`, such as `readReceiptInfo`}
} ]related records on the UI. If you want to highlight the matching messages, please refer to [Specified Search] to highlight the returned;
parameter is of the Object
type. It contains the following attribute values:Name | Type | Description |
keywordList | Array.<String> | Keyword list, supporting up to 5 keywords. When neither the message sender nor the message type is specified, the keyword list must not be empty; otherwise, the keyword list can be empty. |
keywordListMatchType | String | Keyword list matching type or: "or" relationship search (default) and: "and" relationship search |
senderUserIDList | Array.<String> | Specify messages sent by userID, supporting up to 5 IDs. |
messageTypeList | Array.<String> | Specify the collection of message types to search for, with the default being to search all types. When not provided, it indicates searching for all supported types of messages ( TencentCloudChat.TYPES.MSG_FACE , TencentCloudChat.TYPES.MSG_GRP_TIP , and TencentCloudChat.TYPES.MSG_GRP_SYS_NOTICE are not supported).For specific values when provided, refer to TencentCloudChat.TYPES . |
conversationID | String | Search "All Conversations" or "Specified Conversations". If not specified, it means all conversations. Default: All Conversations. Conversation ID composition: C2C${userID} (one-to-one chat) GROUP${groupID} (group chat) |
timePosition | Number | The starting time point of the search. The default is 0, which means searching from now. Unit: seconds |
timePeriod | Number | The past time range from the starting time point, in seconds. The default is 0, which means no time limit. Passing 24 * 60 * 60 represents the past day. |
cursor | String | The starting position of each cloud search. Do not pass in the cursor for the first search; when continuing the search, fill in the value of the cursor returned by the last call to the searchCloudMessages interface. Note: The cursor is valid for 2 minutes during a full search. |
let promise = chat.searchCloudMessages({keywordList: ['hello', 'where are you'],});
let promise = chat.searchCloudMessages({keywordList: ['hello', 'where are you'],keywordListMatchType: 'and',});
let promise = chat.searchCloudMessages({keywordList: ['hello', 'where are you'],senderUserIDList: ['user1', 'user2'],});
let promise = chat.searchCloudMessages({keywordList: ['hello', 'where are you'],messageTypeList: [TencentCloudChat.TYPES.MSG_TEXT, TencentCloudChat.TYPES.MSG_CUSTOM],});
let promise = chat.searchCloudMessages({keywordList: ['hello', 'where are you'],timePosition: Number((new Date().getTime()/1000).toFixed(0)),timePeriod: 24 * 60 * 60,});promise.then(function(imResponse) {const { totalCount, cursor, searchResultList } =;// The total number of all conversations where messages meet the search criteria.console.log(totalCount);// The starting position for the next cloud search. If there is no next position, it indicates that the search result retrieval is complete.console.log(cursor);// Messages that meet the search criteria are grouped by conversation ID and returned in pages.console.log(searchResultList);for (let i = 0; i < searchResultList.length; i++) {const searchResultItem = searchResultList[i];const { conversationID, messageCount, messageList } = searchResultItem;console.log(conversationID);console.log(messageCount);。console.log(messageList);}}).catch(function(imError) {console.error(imError); // Search message failed});
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