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Last updated: 2024-10-30 10:58:45
Last updated: 2024-10-30 10:58:45
The following will show you how to customize the UI components in conversation List.

Set the conversation list cell background color

API Functionality: Set the conversation list cell and pinned cell background color.
API prototype:
// TUIConversationConfigMinimalist.java
* Background color of conversation list.
public static void setListBackground(Drawable listBackground)
* Background color of cell in conversation list.
* This configuration takes effect in all cells.
public static void setCellBackground(Drawable cellBackground)
* Background color of pinned cell in conversation list.
* This configuration takes effect in all pinned cells.
public static void setPinnedCellBackground(Drawable pinnedCellBackground)
Sample code:
// When to call: Before initializing conversation list.
TUIConversationConfigMinimalist.setListBackground(new ColorDrawable(0xFFFFFFF0)); TUIConversationConfigMinimalist.setCellBackground(new ColorDrawable(0xFFF0FFF0)); TUIConversationConfigMinimalist.setPinnedCellBackground(new ColorDrawable(0xFFE1FFFF));
Set Background Color

Set the conversation list cell font

API Functionality: Set the font of the title, subtitle, and time text on the conversation list cells. Applies to all cells.
API prototype:
// TUIConversationConfigMinimalist.java
* Font of title label of cell in conversation list.
* This configuration takes effect in all cells.
public static void setCellTitleLabelFontSize(int cellTitleLabelFontSize)
* Font of subtitle label of cell in conversation list.
* This configuration takes effect in all cells.
public static void setCellSubtitleLabelFontSize(int cellSubtitleLabelFontSize)
* Font of time label of cell in conversation list.
* This configuration takes effect in all cells.
public static void setCellTimeLabelFontSize(int cellTimeLabelFontSize)
Sample code:
// When to call: Before initializing conversation list.
Set Font

Show unread red dot

API Functionality: Display the unread message red dot icon on the cell. Applies to all cells.
API prototype:
// TUIConversationConfigMinimalist.java
* Display unread count icon in each conversation cell.
* The default value is true.
public static void setShowCellUnreadCount(boolean showCellUnreadCount)
Sample code:
// When to call: Before initializing conversation list.
Do not display the unread red dot on the conversation cell

Show online status

API Functionality: Display an online status icon on the user's avatar in the cell. Applies to all cells.
API prototype:
// TUIConversationConfigMinimalist.java
* Display user's online status icon in conversation list.
* The default value is false.
public static void setShowUserOnlineStatusIcon(boolean showUserOnlineStatusIcon)
Sample code:
// When to call: Before initializing conversation list.
Show online status

Customize the more menu options

API Functionality: Hide more menu options for the conversation and add options to the more menu for the conversation. Applies to specified conversations.
API prototype:
// TUIConversationConfigMinimalist.java
public interface ConversationMenuItemDataSource {
* Implement this method to add new items.
default List<ConversationPopMenuItem> conversationShouldAddNewItemsToMoreMenu(ConversationInfo conversationInfo) { return new ArrayList<>(); }
* Implement this method to hide items in more menu.
default @ConversationMenuItem List<Integer> conversationShouldHideItemsInMoreMenu(ConversationInfo conversationInfo) { return new ArrayList<>(); }
Sample code:
// When to call: Before initializing conversation list.
TUIConversationConfigMinimalist.setConversationMenuItemDataSource(new TUIConversationConfigMinimalist.ConversationMenuItemDataSource() {
public List<Integer> conversationShouldHideItemsInMoreMenu(ConversationInfo conversationInfo) {
return Arrays.asList(TUIConversationConfigMinimalist.HIDE,
public List<ConversationPopMenuItem> conversationShouldAddNewItemsToMoreMenu(ConversationInfo conversationInfo) {
ConversationPopMenuItem item = new ConversationPopMenuItem();
item.text = "action1";
item.iconResId = R.drawable.ic_launcher;
item.onClickListener = new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
ToastUtil.toastShortMessage("action1 clicked");
ConversationPopMenuItem item2 = new ConversationPopMenuItem();
item2.text = "action2";
item2.iconResId = R.drawable.ic_launcher;
item2.onClickListener = new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
ToastUtil.toastShortMessage("action2 clicked");
return Arrays.asList(item, item2);
Hide and Add Options

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