tencent cloud


Last updated: 2024-01-31 16:18:15

    Feature Description

    Both local messages and cloud messages can be deleted. When cloud messages are deleted, such messages will be deleted both locally and from the cloud and cannot be recovered.
    If the last message is deleted, the lastMessage in the conversation will become the last but one message.

    Deleting a local message

    Call MsgDelete (Details) to delete a local message.
    1. After a historical local message is deleted, the message will be marked as deleted locally by the SDK and can no longer be pulled through MsgGetMsgList.
    2. If the application is uninstalled and reinstalled, the deletion marker will be lost locally, and the message can still be pulled through MsgGetMsgList.
    Sample code:
    public static void MsgDelete()
    string conv_id = "287646";
    MsgDeleteParam message_delete_param = new MsgDeleteParam();
    message_delete_param.msg_delete_param_msg = new Message(); // The message to be deleted
    message_delete_param.msg_delete_param_is_remble = false; // Delete the local message
    TIMResult res = TencentIMSDK.MsgDelete(conv_id, TIMConvType.kTIMConv_C2C, message_delete_param, (int code, string desc, string user_data) => {
    // Process the callback logic

    Deleting a message from the cloud

    Call MsgDelete (Details) to delete messages from the cloud.
    This API deletes messages both locally and from the cloud, which cannot be recovered.
    1. Up to 30 messages can be deleted per call.
    2. Messages to be deleted per call must be from the same conversation.
    3. This API can be called only once per second.
    4. If messages have been pulled on a device by an account, they will remain on the device after the API is called to delete them from the cloud; in other words, deleted messages are not synced.
    Sample code:
    public static void MsgDelete()
    string conv_id = "287646";
    MsgDeleteParam message_delete_param = new MsgDeleteParam();
    message_delete_param.msg_delete_param_msg = new Message(); // The message to be deleted
    message_delete_param.msg_delete_param_is_remble = true; // Delete the roaming message
    TIMResult res = TencentIMSDK.MsgDelete(conv_id, TIMConvType.kTIMConv_C2C, message_delete_param, (int code, string desc, string user_data) => {
    // Process the callback logic
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