tencent cloud


Web & H5 & Uniapp (Vue)

Last updated: 2024-01-31 17:20:17
    TUIKit implements the sending and display for basic message types such as text, image, audio, video, and file messages by default. If these message types do not meet your needs, you can add custom message types.

    Basic Message Types

    Message Type
    Text message
    Image message
    Audio message
    Video message
    File message

    Custom message

    If the basic message types do not meet your needs, you can customize the messages based on actual business needs.
    There are several custom message styles built into TUIKit, as shown in the following figure:
    Custom message preset styles
    Hypertext message
    Evaluation Message
    Order Message
    The following uses sending a custom hypertext message that can redirect to the browser as an example, assisting you to promptly understand the implementation process.

    Displaying a Custom Message

    The hypertext custom message cell Element (XML) built into TUIKit is depicted in the figure below:
    Custom messages and other common types of messages are received in the same way; all types of messages are monitored for access via TUIStore.watch(StoreName.CHAT, { messageList: onMessageListUpdated }). The received custom messages are presented in the message list in different forms according to their respective specific type fields. The following will explain how to display custom messages.

    Creating the display structure for the custom message

    The display of custom messages is primarily accomplished by rendering messageCustom in the content area of the custom message type messageBubble. You can add the display structure style you need for custom messages in the file at src/TUIKit/components/TUIChat/message-list/message-elements/message-custom.vue. For instance, the following code demonstrates the display structure for a hypertext message:
    <template v-else-if="isCustom.businessID === 'text_link'">
    <div class="textLink">
    <p>{{ isCustom.text }}</p>
    <a :href="isCustom.link" target="view_window">

    Sending custom messages

    You can send a custom message by calling the TUIChatService.sendCustomMessage method in the logical layer engine of TUIKit. For details, please refer to: SendCustomMessage.
    Here are a few examples of sending built-in custom style messages in TUIKit:

    sendCustomMessage(options, sendMessageOptions) → {Promise.<any>}

    example1: Sending custom evaluation message
    import { TUIChatService } from "@tencentcloud/chat-uikit-engine";
    let promise = TUIChatService.sendCustomMessage({
    payload: {
    data: JSON.stringify({
    businessID: "evaluation",
    version: 1,
    score: 5,
    comment: "so pretty!!!"
    description: "Evaluation of this service",
    extension: "Evaluation of this service"
    promise.catch((error) => {
    example2: Sending custom hypertext message
    import { TUIChatService } from "@tencentcloud/chat-uikit-engine";
    let promise = TUIChatService.sendCustomMessage({
    payload: {
    data: JSON.stringify({
    businessID: "text_link",
    text: "Welcome to Chat. Let's chat!",
    link: "https://web.sdk.qcloud.com/im/demo/intl/index.html?scene=social"
    description: "",
    extension: ""
    promise.catch((error) => {
    Example 3: Sending custom order messages
    import { TUIChatService } from "@tencentcloud/chat-uikit-engine";
    let promise = TUIChatService.sendCustomMessage({
    payload: {
    data: JSON.stringify({
    businessID: "order",
    title: "Chat",
    description: "Standard Edition",
    price: "399 USD/month",
    link: "https://buy.tencentcloud.com/avc",
    imageUrl: "https://1302445663.vod2.myqcloud.com/cea47bfavodsgp1302445663/fd67ff345576678022395175485/2lCqNHbz5aYA.png",
    description: "",
    extension: ""
    promise.catch((error) => {
    Parameter description:
    Optional type
    Parameters related to custom messages
    Message sending options
    Return values

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