Domain name for API request:
This API is used to query the details of instances.
, name, or billing method. See Filter
for more information.Limit
and is 20 by default.A maximum of 40 requests can be initiated per second for this API.
The following request parameter list only provides API request parameters and some common parameters. For the complete common parameter list, see Common Request Parameters.
Parameter Name | Required | Type | Description |
Action | Yes | String | Common Params. The value used for this API: DescribeInstances. |
Version | Yes | String | Common Params. The value used for this API: 2017-03-12. |
Region | Yes | String | Common Params. For more information, please see the list of regions supported by the product. |
InstanceIds.N | No | Array of String | Query by instance ID(s). For example, instance ID: ins-xxxxxxxx . For the specific format, refer to section Ids.N of the API Introduction. You can query up to 100 instances in each request. However, InstanceIds and Filters cannot be specified at the same time. |
Filters.N | No | Array of Filter | Filterszone - String - Optional - Filter by the availability zone.project-id - Integer - Optional - Filter by the project ID. You can query the list of created projects by calling DescribeProject or logging in to the CVM console. You can also call AddProject to create projects. host-id - String - Optional - Filter by the CDH instance ID. Format: host-xxxxxxxx .vpc-id - String - Optional - Filter by the VPC ID. Format: vpc-xxxxxxxx .subnet-id - String - Optional - Filter by the subnet ID. Format: subnet-xxxxxxxx .instance-id - String - Optional - Filter by the instance ID. Format: ins-xxxxxxxx .security-group-id - String - Optional - Filter by the security group ID. Format: sg-8jlk3f3r .instance-name - String - Optional - Filter by the instance name.instance-charge-type - String - Optional - Filter by the instance billing method. POSTPAID_BY_HOUR : pay-as-you-go | CDHPAID : You are only billed for CDH instances, not the CVMs running on the CDH instances.private-ip-address - String - Optional - Filter by the private IP address of the instance's primary ENI.public-ip-address - String - Optional - Filter by the public IP address of the instance's primary ENI, including the IP addresses automatically assigned during the instance creation and the EIPs manually associated after the instance creation.tag-key - String - Optional - Filter by the tag key.tag-value - String - Optional - Filter by the tag value.tag:tag-key - String - Optional - Filter by the tag key-value pair. Replace tag-key with the actual tag keys. See example 2.Each request can have up to 10 Filters and 5 Filters.Values . You cannot specify InstanceIds and Filters at the same time. |
Offset | No | Integer | Offset; default value: 0. For more information on Offset , see the corresponding section in API Introduction. |
Limit | No | Integer | Number of results returned; default value: 20; maximum: 100. For more information on Limit , see the corresponding section in API Introduction. |
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
TotalCount | Integer | Number of instances meeting the filtering conditions. |
InstanceSet | Array of Instance | Detailed instance information. |
RequestId | String | The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem. |
This example shows you how to query instances in Guangzhou Zone 1 and Guangzhou Zone 2 and return up to one result.
Content-Type: application/json
X-TC-Action: DescribeInstances
<Common request parameters>
"Limit": "1",
"Filters": [
"Values": [
"Name": "zone"
"Offset": "0"
"Response": {
"InstanceSet": [
"Uuid": "e85f1388-0422-410d-8e50-bef540e78c18",
"InstanceState": "RUNNING",
"LatestOperationState": "SUCCESS",
"LoginSettings": {
"Password": "123qwe!@#QWE",
"KeepImageLogin": "False",
"KeyIds": [
"IPv6Addresses": [
"ExpiredTime": "2020-09-22T00:00:00+00:00",
"DisasterRecoverGroupId": "",
"Memory": 1,
"CreatedTime": "2020-09-22T00:00:00+00:00",
"CPU": 1,
"RdmaIpAddresses": [],
"CamRoleName": "",
"PublicIpAddresses": [
"Tags": [
"Value": "test",
"Key": "test"
"InstanceId": "ins-xlsyru2j",
"ImageId": "img-8toqc6s3",
"StopChargingMode": "NOT_APPLICABLE",
"InstanceChargeType": "POSTPAID_BY_HOUR",
"InstanceType": "S2.SMALL2",
"SystemDisk": {
"DiskSize": 50,
"CdcId": null,
"DiskId": "disk-czsodtl1",
"DiskType": "CLOUD_SSD"
"Placement": {
"HostId": "host-h3m57oik",
"ProjectId": 1174660,
"HostIds": [],
"Zone": "ap-guangzhou-1"
"PrivateIpAddresses": [
"OsName": "CentOS 7.4 64bit",
"SecurityGroupIds": [
"InstanceName": "test",
"DataDisks": [
"DeleteWithInstance": true,
"Encrypt": true,
"CdcId": null,
"DiskType": "CLOUD_SSD",
"ThroughputPerformance": 0,
"KmsKeyId": null,
"DiskSize": 50,
"SnapshotId": null,
"DiskId": "disk-bzsodtn1"
"IsolatedSource": "NOTISOLATED",
"VirtualPrivateCloud": {
"SubnetId": "subnet-mv4sn55k",
"AsVpcGateway": false,
"Ipv6AddressCount": 1,
"VpcId": "vpc-m0cnatxj",
"PrivateIpAddresses": [
"LatestOperationRequestId": "c7de1287-061d-4ace-8caf-6ad8e5a2f29a",
"InternetAccessible": {
"PublicIpAssigned": true,
"InternetChargeType": "TRAFFIC_POSTPAID_BY_HOUR",
"BandwidthPackageId": null,
"InternetMaxBandwidthOut": 1
"HpcClusterId": "",
"LatestOperation": "ResetInstancesType"
"TotalCount": 2,
"RequestId": "d655191e-a39d-43d2-8349-8c3f2bf4b327"
This example shows you how to query the list of instances associated with the tag city:shenzhen
Content-Type: application/json
X-TC-Action: DescribeInstances
<Common request parameters>
"Limit": "1",
"Filters": [
"Values": [
"Name": "tag:city"
"Offset": "0"
"Response": {
"InstanceSet": [
"Uuid": "68b510db-b4c1-4630-a62b-73d0c7c970f9",
"InstanceState": "RUNNING",
"LatestOperationState": "SUCCESS",
"OsName": "CentOS 7.6 64bit",
"CreatedTime": "2020-03-10T02:43:51Z",
"RestrictState": "NORMAL",
"ExpiredTime": "2020-04-10T02:47:36Z",
"DisasterRecoverGroupId": "",
"Memory": 1,
"IPv6Addresses": null,
"CPU": 1,
"CamRoleName": "",
"PublicIpAddresses": [
"Tags": [
"Value": "shenzhen",
"Key": "city"
"InstanceId": "ins-9bxebleo",
"ImageId": "img-9qabwvbn",
"StopChargingMode": "NOT_APPLICABLE",
"InstanceChargeType": "PREPAID",
"InstanceType": "S1.SMALL1",
"SystemDisk": {
"DiskSize": 50,
"DiskId": "disk-nucurerk",
"IsolatedSource": "NOTISOLATED",
"Placement": {
"ProjectId": 1174660,
"HostId": null,
"Zone": "ap-guangzhou-2"
"PrivateIpAddresses": [
"LoginSettings": {
"KeyIds": null
"SecurityGroupIds": [
"InstanceName": "Test instance",
"DataDisks": [],
"VirtualPrivateCloud": {
"SubnetId": "subnet-a2676p0e",
"AsVpcGateway": false,
"VpcId": "vpc-g7wzcv7n"
"LatestOperationRequestId": "3554eb5b-1cfa-471a-ae76-dc436c9d43e8",
"InternetAccessible": {
"InternetMaxBandwidthOut": 1,
"InternetChargeType": "BANDWIDTH_PREPAID"
"RdmaIpAddresses": [],
"HpcClusterId": "",
"LatestOperation": "RenewInstances"
"TotalCount": 1,
"RequestId": "62DDFFC6-FDB5-44F7-20A6-59152E3D129A"
This example shows you how to use DescribeInstances
to query an instance after using StopInstances
to stop it. You will see that the value of LatestOperation
is StopInstances
and LatestOperationState
Content-Type: application/json
X-TC-Action: DescribeInstances
<Common request parameters>
"Limit": "1",
"Filters": [
"Values": [
"Name": "zone"
"Offset": "0"
"Response": {
"InstanceSet": [
"Uuid": "e85f1388-0422-410d-8e50-bef540e78c18",
"InstanceState": "RUNNING",
"LatestOperationState": "OPERATING",
"LoginSettings": {
"Password": "123qwe!@#QWE",
"KeepImageLogin": "False",
"KeyIds": [
"IPv6Addresses": [
"ExpiredTime": "2020-09-22T00:00:00+00:00",
"DisasterRecoverGroupId": "xx",
"Memory": 1,
"CreatedTime": "2020-09-22T00:00:00+00:00",
"CPU": 1,
"RdmaIpAddresses": [],
"CamRoleName": "",
"PublicIpAddresses": [
"Tags": [
"Value": "test",
"Key": "test"
"InstanceId": "ins-xlsyru2j",
"ImageId": "img-8toqc6s3",
"StopChargingMode": "NOT_APPLICABLE",
"InstanceChargeType": "POSTPAID_BY_HOUR",
"InstanceType": "S2.SMALL2",
"SystemDisk": {
"DiskSize": 50,
"CdcId": null,
"DiskId": "disk-czsodtl1",
"DiskType": "CLOUD_SSD"
"Placement": {
"HostId": "host-h3m57oik",
"ProjectId": 1174660,
"HostIds": [],
"Zone": "ap-guangzhou-1"
"PrivateIpAddresses": [
"OsName": "CentOS 7.4 64bit",
"SecurityGroupIds": [
"InstanceName": "test",
"DataDisks": [
"DeleteWithInstance": true,
"Encrypt": true,
"CdcId": null,
"DiskType": "CLOUD_SSD",
"ThroughputPerformance": 0,
"KmsKeyId": null,
"DiskSize": 50,
"SnapshotId": null,
"DiskId": "disk-bzsodtn1"
"IsolatedSource": "NOTISOLATED",
"VirtualPrivateCloud": {
"SubnetId": "subnet-mv4sn55k",
"AsVpcGateway": false,
"Ipv6AddressCount": 1,
"VpcId": "vpc-m0cnatxj",
"PrivateIpAddresses": [
"LatestOperationRequestId": "c7de1287-061d-4ace-8caf-6ad8e5a2f29a",
"InternetAccessible": {
"PublicIpAssigned": true,
"InternetChargeType": "TRAFFIC_POSTPAID_BY_HOUR",
"BandwidthPackageId": null,
"InternetMaxBandwidthOut": 1
"HpcClusterId": "",
"LatestOperation": "StopInstances"
"TotalCount": 2,
"RequestId": "d655191e-a39d-43d2-8349-8c3f2bf4b327"
TencentCloud API 3.0 integrates SDKs that support various programming languages to make it easier for you to call APIs.
The following only lists the error codes related to the API business logic. For other error codes, see Common Error Codes.
Error Code | Description |
FailedOperation.IllegalTagKey | The tag key contains invalid characters. |
FailedOperation.IllegalTagValue | The tag value contains invalid characters. |
FailedOperation.TagKeyReserved | The tag key specified in the request is reserved for the system. |
InternalServerError | Internal error. |
InvalidFilter | Invalid filter. |
InvalidFilterValue.LimitExceeded | Filter |
InvalidHostId.Malformed | Invalid CDH ID . The specified CDH ID has an invalid format. For example, host-1122 has an invalid ID length. |
InvalidInstanceId.Malformed | Invalid instance ID . The specified instance ID has an invalid format. For example, ins-1122 has an invalid ID length. |
InvalidParameter | A parameter error occurred. |
InvalidParameterValue | Incorrect parameter value. |
InvalidParameterValue.IPAddressMalformed | Invalid IP format |
InvalidParameterValue.IPv6AddressMalformed | Invalid IPv6 address |
InvalidParameterValue.InstanceIdMalformed | Invalid instance ID. Please enter a valid ID, such as ins-xxxxxxxx (“x” represents a lower-case letter or a number). |
InvalidParameterValue.InvalidAppIdFormat | Invalid AppID |
InvalidParameterValue.InvalidIpFormat | Invalid IP address. |
InvalidParameterValue.InvalidTimeFormat | Incorrect time format. |
InvalidParameterValue.InvalidVagueName | Invalid fuzzy query string |
InvalidParameterValue.LimitExceeded | The number of parameter values exceeds the limit. |
InvalidParameterValue.SubnetIdMalformed | Invalid subnet ID. Please provide a subnet ID in the format of subnet-xxxxxxxx, where “x” can be a lowercase letter or number. |
InvalidParameterValue.TagKeyNotFound | The specified tag does not exist |
InvalidParameterValue.UuidMalformed | Invalid UUID. |
InvalidParameterValue.VpcIdMalformed | The VPC ID xxx is invalid. Please provide a VPC ID in the format of vpc-xxxxxxxx, where “x” can be a lowercase letter or number. |
InvalidSecurityGroupId.NotFound | The specified security group ID does not exist. |
InvalidSgId.Malformed | The specified security group ID is in the wrong format. For example, sg-ide32 has an invalid instance ID length. |
InvalidZone.MismatchRegion | The specified zone does not exist. |
ResourceNotFound.HpcCluster | The HPC cluster does not exist. |
UnauthorizedOperation.InvalidToken | Check if the token is valid. |
UnsupportedOperation | Unsupported operation. |